Sabine’s art redefines a symbol, typically associated with oppression and conformity, and turns it into an instrument for the rebel cause.Ģ. It’s more than just changing the palette, though. Now the screeching vehicle sports orange and yellow hues and a unique checkered pattern. Gone is the Empire’s soulless silver and grey color scheme. There’s nothing bland about Sabine’s custom paint job. After Zeb and Ezra steal a TIE fighter, Sabine gets her hands on it to give it a custom finish.
Here are my five favorite works of art from arguably the most colorful member of the Ghost crew.ġ.
Sabine is far from your typical hero and that’s exactly why I find her to be so inspiring. Between her vibrant hair and customized armor, she expresses herself confidently and in an unmistakably unique way, and pours her heart and soul into every piece. Sabine Wren is many things: resilient Mandalorian warrior, brilliant explosives expert, and one of the first rebels to rise up in the fight against the Empire.